Sunday, January 11, 2009

Finally... some pictures!

Finally, I am getting around to putting some pictures of the kayak build on the blog. I'll start with pictures of the first one. This boat is going to be a 14.5 ft stitch and glue version of the "Shearwater" from CLC Boats. Here goes...

Angie marveling at a completely disassembled kayak #1

The first time the kayak looked like a kayak

After the first big epoxy job...

Ang hard at work on glassin' the deck

The deck and hull of the first kayak has now been glued together. It has now been relegated to the rack until Angie returns... it misses her, can you tell? The beginnings of the second kayak are in the foreground.

Here's a catalog shot of the finished boat from the CLC website. Its a nice looking boat if I do say so myself. The mountains don't hurt either.