We couldn't resist and took the boat out for a spin on Fish Lake even before it was entirely finished. Angie took the first spin in the wooden kayak while I tried to keep up in my old bathtub of a poly kayak. They are an odd looking couple, the wooden kayak is about 12 inches narrower than the plastic one, and 2.5 ft longer.
I was thrilled to see how comfy Ang was with the kayak just minutes after she hopped in. She rocked it back and forth a few times with a big grin, and then took off. She said it was smooth, and easy to control. On our way back across the lake, we had a pretty serious headwind and waves, yet this didn't seem to bother her in the least. When we returned to the beach, we switched and I took it out. I stayed in calmer water, but had a great time with the new boat. I can't believe how fast it is compared to anything I've been in!

We fueled up at our favorite local eatery before hitting the lake, they were nice enough to fill our coffee mugs as well

One more shot of me in calmer water
Really, Angie did get to paddle it! I just don't have the pictures with me right now. We have some of Angie cruising across the lake that I'll post. Don't be too surprised if the pictures I took aren't this nice though.