Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Diversion Continues

Blade number two (still paddle #1) is under way. Even though I feel I could refine the process I am making this one the very same way as the first. The goal, of course, is to have a paddle that has two identical blades (yes, I guess that means I'm condemned to repeat my mistakes). However for a trial run, the first blade was a complete success! I applied one more layer of carbon to each side of the paddle, and then "filled the weave" with epoxy to create a finished look. I am going to bring blade #1 in to weigh it at work. The intent is to get an idea of how much the final assembly will weigh, and compare this to commercially available paddles. For reference, a 220 cm Werner carbon fiber paddle weighs 652 grams (1.4 lbs).