Those who know me know that I am a sucker for a project. This has been true my entire life, so why on earth would I not take a perfectly good kayak project and complicate it?? With this in mind I began building a paddle. I have long been interested in doing some something with carbon fiber. i always thought it was cool stuff, but didn't have a need for anything of this nature. Now I have a purpose! I decided to build our paddles with a carbon fiber blade. This began with a form made of wood and epoxy. I used this form two halves of a paddle blade and then join them together. Following this, I cut out my favorite paddle blade shape. Not being that artistic, I blew up an
internet picture of a paddle I liked and traced the shape on to my
homebrew paddle blade and cut it out. Having nearly finished the first blade, it is
incredibly strong, but also a little heavier than necessary. The next one will have a couple less layers and a little better compression to get all the unnecessary epoxy out. Stay tuned!